
Release Notes

Find out about current and previous Fabric Studio updates.

New in Fabric Studio 24.2.1

QA Release February 14 2024, Production Release February 28 2024

New Features

  • Custom Fields in Record Builder! Create new your own Boolean, Free Text, Dropdown, Multi Select and Chip Selector fields.
  • You can also create or link your own Data Sets(aka Managed Lists) for Dropdown, Multi Select and Chip Selector fields
  • Add the ability for users to configure IDs to be mandatory or optional within Record Builder.


  • Fixed a bug in bulk upload when users were attempting to update a production number without providing a record category


  • Improved the build and deployment time of the Fabric front-end by 50%

Previous Versions

Fabric Studio 24.1.1

QA Release January 17 2024, Production Release January 31 2024

New Features

  • Add ability to set character limits on IDs within Record Builder
  • New record category - Podcast
  • The scheduled Fabric release dates can now be found in the Fabric knowledge base


  • Fixed a Bug on initial setup of default client Catalogs
  • Fixed a bug with pipe delimited values for contributor not validating correctly
  • Fixed a bug where character names would not save against a newly created contributor
  • Fixed a bug on Safari with dynamic number inputs
  • Fixed a bug when logging into a different user account on the same environment
  • Fixed a Bug when trying to create Supplemental Content linked to a Season


  • Toggled OFF Record Builder fields that had a character limit with null values
  • We now store a list of Users Last Login date
  • Improved UX navigation when discarding Record Builder changes

Fabric Studio 23.12.1

QA Release December 13 2023, Production Release No Live release Scheduled

New Features

  • The new Record Builder is here! We've given it a UI & UX upgrade with some further configurability. Please check out the detailed release notes for important changes in Record Builder
  • New field in the contributor modal - Full Name
  • Added the ability to validate Titles & Description character limits either via UI, UI & API or remove both UI & API validations


  • Fixed a bug on Safari and Firefox where users could not properly type their login email
  • Fixed a bug with the temporary ID’s assigned to images before they are uploaded to a record
  • Resolved a UI issue that occurred when users would enrich a record with Gracenote data and then immediately enrich with IMDb data
  • Fixed an issue in Localisation orders where ‘null’ values were being sent when edited by a users
  • Fixed a bug on record create or update, when updating contributors that existed in our database but with a different case or different accent in their name
  • Fixed a bug where images could not be uploaded to Collections
  • Fixed a bug when attempting to update an episode with no title via API
  • Fixed a bug with csv bulk uploads incorrectly validating the release year


  • Resolved an inconsistency between the Provenance and Distributor fields
  • Update validation on selected Descriptors to allow growing lists
  • Countries will now appear in dropdowns in the way they are ordered in the Countries Data Sets
  • Improved the UX of adding numeric runtime values e.g :00:00
  • Within the new Record builder version descriptions for Record Header Display will display with a tooltip

Fabric Studio 23.10.3

QA Release November 15 2023, Production Release November 29 2023

New Features

  • Added an optional feature to be able to display Original Production numbers in Search, Linkages and Episode dropdowns


  • Fixed a bug to ensure Custom record types will now appear as expected when creating new record
  • Fixed an error that occasionally occurred when adding newly added release types against a record
  • Fixed a bug with image upload where an image could be saved before the image has been fully uploaded
  • Fixed a bug in Role Management to ensure correct user policies always apply when users are navigating within the catalog section
  • Fixed an issue where creating a new keyword assigned the first already created keyword
  • Enhanced error handling and display for Gracenote enrichment on the front-end
  • Fixed an issue where deleting an entry from a Data Set could result in an empty list in the Front-End
  • Improved the loading state of catalogs in the record header
  • Users can no longer upload non-supported files via the bulk image upload


  • We've fixed an issue when editing a policy without saving resulted in an unexpected pop-up when switching to the Roles tab
  • We've improved the UX when moving list items using drag and drop in Data Sets
  • Update the naming of the new data ingest dropdown to Max. Contributors per Role
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to remove the Start Date when Continuous Enrichment is Toggled OFF
  • Improved the consistency of the Discovery Search behaviour
  • Improved the loading time of the Regional tab in Collect Connections
  • Improved IMDb enrichment to ensure that all forms of awards data is being pulled into records correctly
  • Align the date picker component for Production Year and Production Start Year fields.

Fabric Studio 23.10.1

QA Release October 11 2023, Production Release October 25 2023

New Features

  • We're excited to introduce our new documentation portal powered by Gitbook! Fabric users can easily access documentation right from their environment
  • Improved Image Preview and Performance: Full resolution images will be displayed when using the Preview function.
  • Enhancements to Continuous Show Integration via Gracenote
  • Gracenote OnAPI Video Descriptors Support: We now support Gracenote OnAPI Video Descriptors, enhancing your content metadata capabilities in Fabric.


  • Catalog Dropdown Issue Resolved: We've fixed an issue that previously prevented users from scrolling through the catalog dropdown in records


  • Improvement to the Release Year field - Users may now enter any year without having to select it from a dropdown list.
  • Adding additional field options to client managed list values

Fabric Studio 23.9.2

QA Release September 13 2023, Production Release September 27 2023

New Features

  • Add a new Catalogs property to the meta-record-state SNS. SNS notifications for the meta-record-state topic will now include a catalogs property
  • Add a feature toggle to allow the strict validation of only allowing Titles & Descriptions configured in Record Builder to be created & updated


  • Fixed a bug with Genres & Sub-genres dropdowns not displaying the complete list of entries.
  • Fixed a bug where a None entry was an option in certain dropdowns within the platform.
  • Fixed a bug where records without Record Header descriptions would appear to be loading a record header description indefinitely
  • Fixed an issue where users could experience timeouts when multiple Fabric tabs were open


  • Updated the Bulk Ingest column header from Episode Number to Episode/Storyline Number
  • Add the ability to edit the User permissions of the Ratings Tab
  • Add Type, Code and Destination Platform fields to Bulk Ingest

Fabric Studio 23.7.1

QA Release July 12 2023, Production Release July 26 2023

New Features

  • Allow users to configure ID's in Record Builder to generate hyperlinks based on the ID & a URL
  • Add the ability to control Notes & Disclaimers appearing in the Record Header via bulk import
  • Increased the Timeout period for the Reporting module from 1 hour to 10 hours


  • Fixed a bug with Disclaimers and Notes entries not appearing in the UI after saving.
  • Fixed a bug with the Record Builder unique ID validation


  • Fixed an issue with Reporting not displaying special characters correctly in certain scenarios

Fabric Studio 23.8.4

QA Release August 16 2023, Production Release August 30 2023

New Features

  • Added a new enrichment feature, allowing users to set up their environment to continuously enrich shows with their seasons and episodes


  • Fixed an issue with the Cast & Crew section not displaying accurate information in certain cases.
  • Fixed a bug related to the Release Toggle in the Record Builder module, ensuring that it now works reliably
  • Fixed an issue preventing the proper reordering of titles and synopses, ensuring seamless functionality.
  • Fixed a Record Builder bug that prevented edits of optional string fields; users can now remove values of optional strings without any issues.
  • Added additional validation to avoid issues with duplicate back-end labels in Record Builder fields.


  • Enhancements to the Cast & Crew section to provide a smoother user experience and improve data accuracy.
  • Added some final touches to our new Continuous Show Enrichment integration
  • Ongoing enhancements to the Bulk Image Upload feature, paving the way for an upcoming full feature release.
  • Improved the compatibility of our payload and our new bulk import plugin, and implemented additional error handling
  • Revamped the language dropdown with a new alphabetical ordering, offering users a more intuitive language selection experience.

Fabric Studio 23.7.1

QA Release July 12 2023, Production Release July 26 2023

New Features

  • Allow users to configure ID's in Record Builder to generate hyperlinks based on the ID & a URL
  • Add the ability to control Notes & Disclaimers appearing in the Record Header via bulk import
  • Increased the Timeout period for the Reporting module from 1 hour to 10 hours


  • Fixed a bug with Disclaimers and Notes entries not appearing in the UI after saving.
  • Fixed a bug with the Record Builder unique ID validation


  • Fixed an issue with Reporting not displaying special characters correctly in certain scenarios

Fabric Studio

QA Release June 29 2023, Production Release July 5 2023


  • Fixed a bug with saving Service Desk access via User Role Management
  • Fixed a bug where the record type field was incorrectly set as mandatory
  • Fixed a bug with Record Builder title type validation

Fabric Studio 23.6.1

QA Release June 21 2023, Production Release July 5 2023

New Features

  • Ability to manage the descriptions displayed in Record Header & Column Cards
  • Catalogs now support numeric values within Catalog Names
  • Support import of English Cast & Crew through new Bulk Ingest
  • Add the ability to manage access to the Fabric Service Desk via User Role Management
  • Add Functionality to Duplicate Policies


  • Improve Search functionality within the New Record Builder


  • Standardise the search lists types when adding episodes or seasons to a collection

Fabric Studio 23.4.1

QA Release April 12 2023, Production Release May 10 2023

New Features

  • New Data Ingest Uploader!
  • Record Builder Update Phase 0
  • New Field - Primary Metadata Language
  • New Field - Library Prefix
  • New Field - Action Type
  • Add Ability to Create, Update and Delete a Catalog from UI inside the Data Manager
  • Enable Record Statuses against Collections
  • Allow users to manually trigger Gracenote title matching without auto-enrich functionality
  • Support Auto-generated IDs for Franchise logic


  • Fixed an issue with Language names being entered against Contributor Translations
  • Fixed an issue with updating Contributor Script Names and it causing duplicates against the same language
  • Fixed an issue with API endpoint requests timing out
  • Fixed an issue with disclaimer fields not being able to be cleared
  • Fixed an issue with Records enriched by Gracenote images not downloading
  • Fixed an issue with users being unable to Link Storylines to Episodes in the UI
  • Fixed an issue in User Policies where the delete functionality was not saving correctly
  • Fixed an issue in User Policies where Create Collection permissions were not reflecting in Franchise Collections
  • Fixed an issue in bulk import on validation of additional countries of origin
  • Fixed an issue with Search results not correctly displaying Show/Season/Episode Linkage Hierarchy on records with Security levels above 10


  • Add option to make release year non-mandatory in Special, Show, Season, Episode, Storyline record
  • Add additional API endpoints for different record parts to reduce timeouts and improve overall performance

Fabric Studio 23.3.1

QA Release March 15 2023, Production Release March 29 2023

New Features

  • Add Record Properties to User Role Management. This will include Record Status, Catalog and Security level fields
  • New Field - Channel of Origin


  • Fixed an issue where numbering on storylines e.g production number was not exposed in the UI
  • Fixed an issue with non-english contributors displaying in the UI
  • Fixed an issue with record cards in search & recent activity section where season and episode count were not displaying correctly


  • Fix UI issue with displaying non-numerical production numbers
  • Improve asset tab UI when assets are not configured in an environment
  • Moved Show Linkages to display above Season in linkage tab
  • Convert Program Directors to multi-select

Fabric Studio 23.2.1

QA Release February 15 2023, Production Release March 1 2023

New Features

  • Add ability to choose default languages in the Language list manager


  • Fixed an issue where numbering on storylines e.g production number was not exposed in the UI
  • Fixed an issue where the ENG language code was still being referenced after updating the ENG code in the Language List
  • Fixed an issue where user permissions couldn't be configured to be able to delete records based on their category
  • Fixed an issue with record cards in search & recent activity section where season and episode count were not displaying correctly


  • Updated the mispellings of IMDB to IMDb throughout the platform
  • Add support for multiple catalogs to be ingested via pipe delimited values through bulk upload
  • Bulk upload - Update encoding validation logic to improve support of non Latin scripts

Fabric Studio 23.1.2

QA Release January 19, 2023, Production Release 11:00am BST

New Features

  • Support Multiple territories against Assets
  • Support New Fields - Collection Level
  • Add Record Type to Collection Franchise Records


  • Fixed issue with Language Codes being limited to validating 3 digit codes
  • Updating Record with Asset Names causes API Timeout
  • Series Networks import is sending empty array
  • Fix Bulk Import SP Review causes
  • Suppliers and Series Network Bulk Upload Issue


  • Update payload structure for large collections
  • Fix delete toggle for each record category
  • Record Type not reflecting Client Managed List
  • Asset information not updating correctly

Fabric Studio 22.12.3

QA Release December 21, 2022, Production Release 11:00am BST

New Features

  • Support Multiple territories against Assets
  • Add Rights Domain for Rights tab
  • Support New Fields - TX Channel Name, Primary TX Channel
  • Support all new fields via Bulk Import
  • New Loading state and Tab Transitions
  • Add Record Type to Collection Franchise Records


  • Data in created/updated synopsis fields in the payload leaving Fabric
  • AKA Title is not getting displayed on Fabric UI
  • Fixed issue with publishing episodes downstream. No Category Type 'Season' was found inside Linkage
  • Record is breaking after adding certificate to asset


  • Series Networks import is sending empty array
  • Only show record categories being used in environments
  • Hide unused fields for selected clients
  • Technical error when uploading images

Fabric Studio 22.12.1

QA Release December 7, 2022, Production Release 11:00am BST

New Features

  • Add record type to metadata tab on Franchise Collection & Collection
  • Expose Enrich options for selected clients
  • Support New Fields - Originating Territory, MEC Genres, Scripted / Unscripted, Production Format,Program Branding
  • Managed Record Catalogs via the UI
  • Enable Gracenote Auto Enrich Images
  • New fields for created date on all levels


  • Failed on record update: Trying to get property id of non-object during Bulk Upload
  • Rename the Short to Short form content on filter
  • Fixed issue with publishing episodes downstream. No Category Type 'Season' was found inside Linkage


  • Rename release duration & adjusted run time fields for specific clients
  • Network Code /Program Subtype Field change
  • Add additional Pay 1 + 60 value to Rights Window Name whitelist

Fabric Studio 22.11.2

QA Release November 25, 2022, Production Release 11:00am BST

New Features

  • Ability to indicate with a flag when a title is duplicate of another title
  • Support Theme Digital & Theme TV descriptors
  • New Field: Created date on PPL
  • New Field: Program Branding
  • Migrate taxonomy data


  • Convert Available for Vice & Is Pilot Boolean values
  • Title Records being created with null US Release Year
  • Fixed issue with Release year being removed upon save
  • Release Year required message when Release Year is present
  • Clients with Descriptors v1 unable to save descriptiors fields
  • Update specific clients to assets V2


  • Hide unnecessary fields in clients environments by request
  • Remove unnecessary categories in clients environments by request
  • Update Shortlist Exports in Connect
  • Primary program Usage / Program Usage managed list mapping update
  • User Service: Migrate all User permissions & automate creation pipeline

Fabric Studio 22.11.1

QA Release November 16, 2022, Production Release 11:00am BST

New Features

  • Add Validation of asset IDs against other asset IDs
  • Support Theme Digital & Theme TV descriptors


  • Fixed an issue where awards without contributors were causing technical errors
  • Spelling mistake in Asset Destination
  • Add Regional Age Guidance Fields to Bulk Import
  • Make new contributor roles dynamic in Bulk Import header mappings
  • Make new IDs dynamic in Bulk Import header mappings
  • Make Security levels bulk importable
  • Combine territories with same values in Regional Age Guidance


  • Fixed a display error where preview synopses were guillotined in the record header.
  • Support the Apostrophe ' Character in User Registration

Fabric Studio 22.10.3

QA Release October 28, 2022, Production Release 11:00am BST

New Features

  • Franchise Collections
  • Record created date will now match browser a Users timezone
  • New field: Origination: Parent series name


  • Slow speed performance when saving record updates from edit sessions.
  • Creating a record creates duplicates of the same record.
  • Unable to reorder lists in alphabetical order when saving.


  • Fixed a display error where preview synopses were guillotined in the record header.
  • Add Notes & Disclaimers to Yaml
  • Add a newly created Territory value to the asset
  • Fixed V2 Descriptors validation being applied to v1 descriptors
  • Status Dropdown not matching Client Managed List
  • Rights status bubbles not displaying correctly
  • Technical error message when updating and saving asset